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"God is love..."

On May 17, 1958, 60 years ago, I was ordained.

I was a callow, scrawny 25 years of age. My clsssmate Bishop Anthony Milone,
who has died, was ordained in December of 1957 in Rome
so I was the only priest to be ordained at my home parish of our Lady of Lourdes.


As I glimpse at this picture of me blessing my mother and father, I am moved to think
"Who was I to be blessing them?"

They blessed me more than I could ever repay.

Such effrontery of the clerical world! To put me on some unearned pedestal.

And over 60 years I have received more blessings from the laity than I could ever besow on them!

The first 5 years of my priesthood were challenging: the death of my mother,
and the death of my first pastor, which left me not that much older than the kids I taught in Hartington, and in charge of a large parish, grade school and high school for most of a year,
and eventually led to a health breakdown and transfer to Omaha.

As many of my classmates left the priesthood to marry,
I was left to struggle with celibacy and several serious illneses.

"Through many dangers and toils I have already come" because Grace is always amazing!

My oldest and dearest seminary classmates are gone:
Larry Dorsey is gone, as are Ed Hays and Jack Gould - college roommates - as is Jerry Burbach,
and soon my childhood friend Bishop Anthony.
And my sister Rosemary who blessed my home for many winters.

It is my lay comrades and religious friends who now surround me - as well as Buddy.
And I am so grateful for the blessings you bestow on me.

I realize that I have been walking on a blessing, path, and have too often stumbled,
but despite my bumbling, I am still going.

On this 60th anniversary, I give thanks for being so abundantly blest by you.

As the 2nd Reading tells us: God is love..." and I have come to discover God in the midst of you.