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Story: One time I met I met an old man who was a former priest.

In his day, he had taught Latin and ended up marrying one of his students.
In his last years, he suffered from Alzheimer’s.
As expected, the time came when he would not recognize me.

On a Holy Saturday, I got a call that he was dying and I went to see him.
He did not know me nor did he recognize the prayers I was saying.

When I tried to give him Holy Communion and said, "Behold the Lamb of God,"
there was no recognition. So instead I said “Corpus Christi!”
He then folded his hands and answered, "Amen!"

It was a moving moment.
And so we pray:

O holy banquet in which Christ is received,
the soul is filled with grace,
and there is given to us a pledge of future glory.