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How fitting for our time!
In today’s Gospel, Jesus goes to rescue a 12-year-old child from death.

Would He not do the same today?

All over the world children are held in bondage.
In Syria they cringe in fear.
And in Africa young girls are kidnapped by terrorists.

The situation in our own land is not as dire
but for children separated from their parents it is traumatizing.

Praise God in Omaha Nebraska we have Father Flanagan‘s Boys Town
which offers loving family shelter to needy in children.

But the children of immigrants separated from their parents
are now housed in military barracks scattered throughout our land.
This separation will have lasting effects on them.
We need to turn to Jesus, who in today’s gospel, showed His love, His concern,
and His care for a little girl thought to be dead and lost to her parents.

And so we pray:

Dear Jesus,
Caretaker of children,
Have mercy on bereaved parents.
Open the eyes of our leaders to their plight.
Send forth your Spirit to open minds and hearts.
Set free the little children.
Please God.