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“This week Jesus sends disciples out on trial run with faith and oil.
Is this oil the forerunner of current Anointing of the Sick? Probably.


But current Anointing often misunderstood..
.And this rite for the sick is often misunderstood and identified as"the last rites."

In fact, it is a prayer for HEALING and very consoling.It may in some cases turn out to be the last blessing given to a dying person, but usually it consists of prayers for healing for a rcovering patient.

The prayer said is: "Through this Holy Anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. And may the Lord who frees you from sin, save you and raise you up!"

As the priest says this the head and hands are anointed with the Holy Oils in the sign of the cross.

The sick are always around us and in need of or prayers and support.
Today I remember in prayer my sick neighbors and friends:

Frank,Jack, Gail, Marie, Shirley, Ronnie, Susan, myself and all the suffering children
especially those removed frm their parents's love and care.

And praise God for the rescued children of Thailand
and their rescuers, especially one who gave his lfe for them.