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"Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock."

Jeremiah First Readng

The "Shepherd," "the flock," and "the wolf" are frequent Old Testament images which Jesus also often uses.

This last week, "the wolf" was at our door!

V. Putin, former KGB agent like a wolf, stalked the edges of our democracy.

And even more dangerously dared to penetrate our best cyber defenses.

And continues to do so with real success!

This ravenous wolf stalks about seeking whom he may devour:

He has sent agents into England who poisoned and killed his adversaries.

He has prowled about Syria, scattering and dealing death to thousands of innocents.

He has disguised troops in "sheep's clothing" and infiltratred Crimea.

He deservess responsibility for downing an airliner filled with civilians.

Not only are the words of Jeremiah appropriate today, so are the words of Jesus about America in our current unique time:

"For they are like sheep without a shepherd!"

And so we pray:

Deliver us O Lord

from wolves who prowl about

seeking to devour us.

Awaken our leaders.

Sound the call!

For the enemny is at our gates,

and sadly has penetrated within.

Deiver us from evil.


Putin qualifies well as a "stalker wolf."