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"Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?....Jesus

Today in he Gospel, Jesus feeds the hungry who are without food. He expects us to do no less.

Right now the Farm Bill is debated in Congress. Many legislators want to help pay for the huge tax cuts by putting the burden of payment on the backs of hungry children and stressed out working single mothers,by making it more difficult to obtain food stamps!

Food Stamps came to be through the bipartison efforts of Senators Bob Dole Republicn of Kansas and George McGovern, Democrat of South Dakota.

Both of these men were persons of compassion and understading for the plight of the hungry poor, many of whom are children. Would that such compassion would prevail in Congress today.

If you want to raise your voice on behalf of the hungry poor, BREAD FOR THE WORLD, the Hunger Lobby suggests you send the following message to your congress person:

"As you work on the 2019 budget, I ask that you invest in and protect programs that will reduce hunger and poverty.

Our country and the world have made progress against hunger and poverty in recent years. I want you to continue through programs like SNAP and tax credits for low income workers.

My faith calls me to urge you to continue funding also for programs that help reduce hunger and poverty around the world."

For more information contact:

And so we pray:

Give us this day our daily bread,

and may those of us who have more than we need,

help us to share our bread

with those who stand hungry at our door,

especially the hungry children.
