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Religion that is pure and to take care of widows and orphans in their need and keep oneself unstained in the world.

2nd Reading from St.James

+ John McCain

To forgive the people who tortured you, to be magnamous to contempories who defeated you in politics: Obama and a shining example of LIVING the full meaning of the Our Father.

R.I.P. John McCain.

Pope Francis

A former high ranking Bishop has publicaly accused Pope Francis of covering up information on sexual abuse by Cardinal McCarrick. Conserative bishops have rallied to defend this accuser's veracity. Among them Bishop Olmstead. Progressve bishops like Cardinal Cupich have defended the Pope. Stay tuned.

Labor Day

In today's Second reaing St. James defines true religion as caring for widows and orphans. There was a time in the history of this country when they were not only uncared for but children were forced to work in the mines. There were no child labor laws.

Unions came to the aid of workers, widows and orphans standing up to the unfair labor practices of Robber Barons.

And Franklin Rosevelt offered a "new deal" by which Social Security would offer a safety net to the elderly and to such as widows and orphans. In doing so these efforts would qualify as "true religion."

And so we pray:

Jesus, apprentice in a family business,

bless my work today,

to make my work world more just.

Mother Mary a sole supporting widow,

bless my work today.

Saint Joseph, craftsman and carpenter,

bless my work today.

Saint Vincent de Paul

patron of the poor,

Bless the disabled and

