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Do you remember? "Ephphata!"

was spoken by the priest at your children's baptisms?

It is the language Jesus spoke-Aramiac and means "Be opened!"

More than that it means be opened to the truth.

So important when we live in a world of "alternate facts." 

Today Saint James in the Second reading chides us for catering to the rich and famous.

He reminds us that the poor can be rich in faith.

at the McCain

 funeral which for me was a spiritual experience, I felt cleansed from all the grime and muck of lies issuing forth usually friom Washington.

And one of the "dignitaries" admitted into the National Cathedral was the bus driver who drove McCain's Campaign Bus called the "Straight Talk Express."

How fitting that he could find his place in the midst of Presidents.

And so we pray:

Help us O Lord to "talk straight,

and open our ears to the truth.

Deliver us from demogues,

and social media gossip.

Deliver us from Satan,

the Father of Lies!

Delier us from evil.
