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We give thanks!

I have just returned from a sentimental journey to Omaha and the 100th Anniversary of my home parish, Our Lady of Lourdes.

And I am grateful for all the memories that flooded back. The footsteps of my parents were there, I ws ordained there. At the banquet, I gave a toast to the School Sisters of St. Francis who taught me there, and to my childhood pastor Monsignor Smiskol.

And Our Lady Of Lourdes whose statue inspired me as a child.still stands on her pedestal, as beautiful as ever.

Praise God for great memories!


Nov. 25, Feast of Christ The King.

Jesus Christ The King:

Alpha and Omega!

The bookends of History.

Autumn now tells us history is moving, is passing by.

Obama was, and is gone,

Trump IS and will pass by,

(Perhaps a foot note in human history.)

Once upon a time, flax was burned before a current Pope and the attendant chanted:

"Sic transit gloria mundi!"

Your glory too shall pass!

Jesus Christ and his kingdom for which we pray:

is yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

He is the ultimate lens throgh which we view human history.

And so we pray:

"Viva Christo Rey!"

Praise God!

We align our hopes with your reign.



and forever!
