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The baby leapt in her womb with joy!

Such a "homey"  story as we stand at the edge of Christmas!

In 1981, I visited Jerusalem.

One day we visited the Church of the Visitation in the hill country.

As we left the church a cluster of Israeli school girls stood on the corner, waiting for their bus, and chatting about their day's events.

And this too was Mary so long ago, hastening to visit  Elizabeth--to have a very serious chat about her own recent event.

And the baby in Elizabeth's womb "leaped for joy!"

We all are in need of "good news."

We all in these troubled times need to "leap for joy.

For Christ is near.

He comes not as a "far away God."

but as someone close at hand.

And so we pray:

O come, O come Emmanuel,

comfort us "who mourn in lonely exile here.
until the Son of God appear.

Be close.

Be near.

Come soon,

O Emmanuel!