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Mission Statements

Last week, Jesus gave his mission statement and it was good news.

But too hard to believe?

It appears so this week.

The prophet is not not accepted in his own land!

I recently read a mission statement of a company whose mission is to help save the planet!


The Tesla Auto Company.

Has a deliberate plan to produce expensive autos which will provide the seed money that will eventually allow them to mass produce electric cars cheaper for the general public.

And they state in their mission statement that this will help eliminate

carbon producing gasoline engines and fight climate change.

A noble goal.

Just as Jesus the Prophet's voice went unheard,

so too modern prophets' voices

would be drowned out by denials,

even though the extremes in weather conditions are there for all to see.

Climate change surrounds us at every turn.

However too many elected officials and industry leaders deny it so that their immediate short term business interests can continue to flourish at the expense of the climate.

They are like the ground hog who refuses to see it's shadow.

And so we pray:

Jesus, Prophet of Good News,

Bless today's prophets,

that their voices be heard above the howling winds,

extreme heat, and bitter cold

of climate change.
