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Nunc dimittis!

"Now you can dismiss your servant..."

Promised by the Spirit that he would not see death until he glimpsed the Saviour, Simeon today saw the promise fulfilled.

Today is also Candle Mass Day when new liturgical candles are blest.

There is hardly any more powerful symbol than the candle. It is presented to each of us at our baptism and we are enjoined to keep it burning brightly until the day the Lord comes.

Then at the end time at our funeral we re reminded of the Baptismal day when the light first shone upon us, by the great Easter candle whuch sheds light on our casket.

In another passage, Isaiah assures us that the "smouldering wick shall not be quashed."

So no matter in our lives how much the candle flickers, there is alwys hope.

And so we pray:

Give us a peaceful night

Now you can dismiss your servant Lord,

for your light has shone upon us.

Give us a peaceful night,

and a perfect end.
