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The Journey

Our whole life is a journey from the womb to the tomb. Journeying is a fundamental archetype common to us all.

Not to journey therefore is so unnatural in these days of confinement.

So today in the Gospel we journey on the Road to Emmaus.

Yet the two disciples eyes are downcast. They see no more than the donkey and camel dung on the roadway.

And perhaps that is our challenge, to lift up or eyes and see more--more than the angry protestors railing against confinement.

We need to be super conscious of the health care workers risking their own lives to aid the sick.

And to be super aware that Jesus-through them, walks with us too.

And so we pray:

Walk with us.

Talk to us through the words of Scripture.

Be at our side.

And walk with all the Health care workers,

and all who serve us in these difficult days.

Bless their journeys.

Brng them home safe to their families.

God bless us all

as we make our wy along the Emmaus Road.

