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Trinity: God is a Community!

To be Godlike we must be a Community!

but our Comunity is fractured.

The Peaceful Community was exhibited by peaceful demonstrators.

But at their edges were rioters and vandals.

This should not surprise us because the human community is always infiltrated by the virus of sin.

And also by leaders whose aim is division and scorn.

People were knocked to the ground to make room for a leader to march across a street to a Church and hold up a Bible as though it were a weapon or a club of righteousness.

John the Baptist would speah the truth to power as the Arhbishop of Washington did. Praise God!

"There is no power to change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." Margaet Wheatley

"If you want to go quickly, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together."

African Proverb

Our God IS a community of Father, Son, and Spirit.

If you want to be God Like work to mend our fractured Community.

And so we pray:

Glory be the One in Three/

Send out your Spirit

and renew the face of the earth.
