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An Appeal To Coscience--Article 3 in series: Trump and Sexual Assault, Trump and Criminals

Previous: Sept.13, Trump & Father of Lies, Sept. 20, Trump: Anti- Life 

Energy from the cyclonic center

of our inner chaos,

Deliver us from the eye of the storm.

Energy of the Spirit move us. Amen


Article 3, Trump And Sexual Assault

In the Hollywood tapes, Trump for all to see and hear spoke of women liking sexual assault by him. Enough said, or is it? What is it that people do not get about that?


Article 4: Trump Has Surrounded himself With Criminals.

 Vladimir Putin, Thug and Murderer is highly regarded by Trump. When it was learned that Putin put a bounty on American troops, Trump uttered not a word. As to  the despotic ruler of North Korea, Trump said, "I love him."

The following close confidantes of Trump have been indicted or jailed: Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, George Popadopulos.

Donald Trump is also mentioned in one case as an "Unindicted Co-Conspiritor."

Donald Trump different from any previous candidate steadfastly refuses to release his tax returns. He also defrauded  many people who enrolled in his fradaluent Trump University.

From Today's 2nd Reading:

"Do nothing out of selfishness or vainglory; humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out for his own interests, but also for those of others." Phillipians 2

Does Donald Trump meet this Christian standard?