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I pray for myself and for those I love

Who linger in chaos.

Deliver us from the eye of the storm.

Energy of the Spirit move us.

Number 5 & 6 in a series...See previous Sundays  for other articles.

Racial Bigotry

Donald Trump is endorsed by David Duke, Klu Klux Klan.

"Fine people on both sides!" Thus praise for Neo-Nazis.

In first debate, when asked to denounce whie supremicists,he replied:

"Proud Boys standby!"

The Proud Boys are a hate group. His "stand by" comment could encourage this violence prone hate group as a call to action, violent action.

Proud Boys have made comments justifying rape, and are antagonistic to Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Gays, and Imigrants. 
Since its founding in 1916 several members have been convicted of violent crimes.




Article 6. Fraud and Dishonesty

For two recent years, Trump paid $750.00

in fedeal Income Tax thus defrauding tax payers who pay their fair share.

Trump University

Was a scam exposed by a federal judge who made Trump pay $25 million to defrauded claimants.

The New York Attorney General said:

"Trump  swindled thousands of Americans out of millions of dollars through Trump University."