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May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

enlighten the eyes of our hearts, so that we may know what is the Hope that belongs to our call. Gospel Acclimation Eph. 1:17

Article 7: Conscience: NO Health Care Plan from Trump.

From USA TODAY Editorial:

"If there were a cookoff tween Biden and Trump, the menu would go like this for Affordable Health Care:

Biden: Cheeseburger with improvements. I've added onions, cheese and bacon.

Trump's offering:

His plate is empty, but he announces, "I have a GREAT Plan!

You will love it!

He rants and raves and then you realize he is going to pull out his meat cleaver and chop off your hands so you cannot eat Biden's burger!"

He has NO Plan to replace the Affordable Care Act which protects people with pre-existing conditions. When in the debate Pence was asked what was Trump's plan. He refused to answer, because there is no plan other than to throw out the Affordable Care Act and let people with pre existing conditions shift for themselves.

God deliver us from such uadulterated cruelty!