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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

As the winter dark of Covid hovers, we might well reflect on the Humanity of the Christ Child. Why?

Because it indicates that Christ fully entered into our human condition with all its drama, joys, but also sufferings and set backs.

The Christ Child shivered in the winter cold. He wet his diapers and pooped in them. From his birth he fully entered into the human situation.

He is one with us.

Emmanuel...with us.

So he is with my dear friend Louise Vacek,

hositalized with Covid, and my dear friend Jane Gutchweski at home with Covid in Omaha.

I will be offering my Christmas for them.

And their caretakers are like the Magi:

bringing their very best of care to the crib.God bless them all at this holy time!

And so we pray:

Come all ye faithful,

joyful and triumphant!

The human spirit shared by Christ,

Shall endure.


(For more on this theme, I refer you to The National Catholic Reporter.)