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I am the vine. You are the branches.

There is an exodus from California. Why? Because CALIFORNIA IS BURNING!

I just had a cousin who moved from there to Tennesee of all places.

In today's Gospel Jesus talks bout being the vine.

Fruitless branches will be cast into the fire.

Jesus of course is speaking in metaphors.

But today global warming is real and we pay a heavy price for ignoring it.

Jesus was close to nature. He most often uses images from rural life to illustrate his discourse.

We have strayed far from this earth, all the way to Mars. We cannot forget from whence we came.

Human hubris has us looking up, and failing to look down upon the soil from which we sprang.

The earth is burning.

Deliver us from lssitude.

If our houe burned, we would do something/

Our earth home IS burning!