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Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi--Body Of Christ

Some bishops including the Bishop of Phoenix opine that President Biden should not be given Holy Communion. They plan to deliberate about that at their Summer meeting.

67 other bishops disagree.

And a recent letter from Rome warns of "weaponozing" the Holy Eucharist/

Fact: The United States is not a Catholic country.

The President represents all citizens, not just Catholics.

Fact: the USA is consequently a secular nation.

Fact: Roe/Wade is the law of our land.

Fact: the majority of citizens approve of Roe/Wade

Fact: The presdent must enforce the laws of our land.

Until and if Roe/Wade is overturned, the President can do very little about abortion.

It is up to the rest of us in a democratic society to persuade our neighbors about abortion.

So far we failed to do so.

Instead most of our bishops have tried through politics to advace ther agenda on abortion.

But they have failed through persuasion..

So many of these same bishops overlooked and kept silent about President Trump's crminal acts,

Now they want to flex their musciles at the Communion rail against Biden all based on one single issue: abortion.

So far we have not succeeded in persuasion of the general public of our convictions about aborton.

In the meantime the President's own Archbishop

has no problem giving him Holy Communion.