"Good Provider"
In olden days a high compliment for a father was a "good provider."
Now more and more often Moms fill that old role.
When I think of my own experience, yes, my Dad worked hard to provide sustinence and shelter, but he provided more than that: he fed me faith, and he fed my imagination, a great gift.
"Daddy tell me a story!"
And from an early age, he did.
And I am grateful.
"Bridge OverTroubled Waters"
Jesus is our bridge over troubled waters.
The day I went to the shores of the Sea of Galilee which is featured in today's Gospel, the wind was a gale blowing over troubled and turbulent waters.
It blew down from Lebanon with nothing to stand in its way. White caps, churned and foamed the angry waters.
Easy to understand the terror stricken apostles!
Today we travel over troubled waters in our Church and in our divided nation.
It seems Jesus is in our boat, but asleep.
So we wake him up as the apostles did.
"Where are we going and how do we get there?"
"It seems we must focus on issues of genitalia does it not?"
Yet, where is the focus of the awakened Jesus?
If we observe closely the "Jesus focus" seems to be above our belts, meaning our stomachs, our hearts, our minds.
Feed the hungry. Open your hearts to compassion, forgiveness, peace, and all that makes for healing.
Make the Communion table a welcome meal, not a battle field. Remember, I turned no one away, not even Judas!
And so we pray:
O holy banquet in which Christ is received,
the soul is filled with grace,
and there is given to us a pledge of future glory.