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The Shepherd and The Holy Ois

I am taking a course on the History of the Celts and of course Saint Patrick has a prominent role. Like Amos in today's first reading, he was a shepherd while he was a captive in Ireland.

Every bishop carries a shepherd's staff called a crosier. And evey real shepherd does not drive the sheep with whips or curses. Rather he is out ahead of the flock guiding them with gentle persuasion.

This morning I delivered an essay abot bishops as shepherds and gentle persuasion to Today's American Catholic, and it will be published on line in a coming edition. I will let you know when it appears.


In today's Gospel, the apostles go out on mission and we are told heal the sick trough the anointing with oil.

Sunday I gave the anointing to Frank Leavey a great Irish patriarch who fell and required 8 stitches, and to Jim at Osborn Hospital and prayed:

"Through this Holy Anointing,

may the Lord in his love and mercy,

help you with the grace of te Holy Spirt,

and may the Lord who frees you from sin,

save you,

and raise you up!"

Anointing should always be seen as a consolation, rather than as a last resort.