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Jesus, I want to see!

The cry of the blind man. It is today the cry of all of us. The “Big Lie continues to fester and threaten the very roots of our democracy. 

How can we see through the miasma of QNon and all the other distortions that flood our senses.

last week the N.Y. Times wrote a story about 7 normal citizens, highly respected In Theit communities who were lured into the Jan.6 insurrection and caught up in the fury of the mob. One was a stellar member of his Catholic Parish.

Steve Bannion another Catholiv defied a Congressional Committee. When all they want to accomplish is just TO SEE how Jan. 6 could have happened.

and so we pray: Jesus we want to see.

Help us to look into our distorted mirrors and see our real selves for all they contain: both the good and the bad.

we are all subject to delusion. As the Ancient Greek sage declared:

”Know thyself????????