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APOLOGY: A flight delay made it impossible to publish a homily last week.


Nov. 24, 2013

Historical events cluster around this week's feast. 50th Anniversary of JFK'S shooting in Dallas. It was preceded by a toxic atmosphere similar to today's. This week, John Boehner, refuses to allow immigration reform to be even considered by the House. Pray for his conversion. This week is also the anniversary of the execution in 1927 of the Jesuit martyr, Blessed Miguel Pro. As the shots were fired, he spread his arms in the sign of the Cross and proclaimed: "Viva Christo Rey,"

"Long live Christ the King!"

So today at the end of the church year, we honor Christ our King. Royalty still lingers in our modern world. We drove over the Queen Wilomena Bridge in Curuso and Prince William often smiles from the cover of People Magazine and we remain fascinated. Is it because amid the passing travails of history that a royal line provides continuity? Perhaps. Or amid tawdry events--glamour?

"Jesus, remember me, when you come into your Kingdom!" cried out the Good Thief.

"This day you shall be with me in Paradise!"

Thus Jesus claimed royal power.Like the Queen Wilomena Bridge, Jesus royal power connects. But his is a span from this world to the next.

Saint Bernard once prayed: "Lord Jesus remove the stumbling blocks within the kingdom which is my soul so you who ought to might reign in it."

Breakfast Question: When I pray, "Thy Kingdom come!" What am I praying for?

Personal Reflection: "The kingdom which is my soul" does Christ reign there?



