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What do Superbowl Sunday and today's Gospel

have in common?

And entrance and an exit.

A glorious entrance and a bittersweek exit.

All the pre-Superbowl hype leads up to the teams trotting onto the field applauded by the fans.

But for the losing team it means leaving in sorrow.

So too, today's Gospel: A glorious entrance: " eyes have seen your salvation,a light of revelation for the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel!" proclaims Simeon when he greets the Christ Child.

A bittersweet ending?

...and you yourself, a sword shall pierce!"

In the Superbowl, the stakes are minimal. Beyond the hype, it is on to the next crowd pleaser.

But in the Presentation: the stakes are epic: salvation and redemption.

You and I were once also presented in the temple to be baptized. We were given a lighted candle.

"our light of revelation to the Gentiles!"

We also expericence the bittersweet endings of sufferings.

Just as Simeon waited for the "consolation of Israel," we receive the consolation of the Holy Spirit since we are joined through baptism to Christ, our Saviour.

So we are presented in the temple.

We are received and greeted.

And we receive a light to show us the way...

even through bittersweet sufferings.

A gloroious entrance--a hope filled ending.

Breakfast Question: Do I see my entrance into this world as a glorious event?

Personal Reflection: What are some super blessings in my life?